I love being proved wrong- Let me back up here. Being a multidisciplinary designer embedded in a corporate tech company, my full and very real expectations for the breadth of my work would be limited to lackluster type layouts for corporate responsibility initiatives. Not in this case! For this project I got to stretch my legs and bring the work home to a very precise area of my expertise which is isometric vector art. (You can see a few examples on my instagram page @Kayla_Kaniel. I make too many to post here on my portfolio.)
The ask here was to create two spot illustrations for a couple blog posts on owned by Naomi Gleit, the Head of Product at Meta. As a whole her blog details her experience and recommendations in running a team. The articles I would create supporting graphics for are about best hiring practices, and how to run a meeting.
Her blog graphics have a very distinct style and brand. (see first image for brand and second for past examples). It has a contemporary palette featuring bright pastels and contrasting shades which can be used in gradients to show light and shadow. This palette is then used to form abstract shapes to represent the main concepts of the article.